Misconceptions about gamification and sustainable development

Misconceptions about gamification and sustainable development

Gamification has gained tremendous popularity in recent years, as companies and organizations leverage it to motivate and engage individuals in various activities. Simultaneously, sustainable development has emerged as an imperative, aiming to minimize environmental impact and foster social equity. However, misconceptions persist regarding the synergy between gamification and sustainable development. 

Unleashing the Power of Peer Learning for Organizational Success

Unleashing the Power of Peer Learning for Organizational Success

In today's rapidly evolving business world, organizations must continuously upskill their employees to maintain their competitiveness. Peer learning has emerged as a tool in this regard as it facilitates knowledge sharing among employees, enabling them to learn from each other's expertise and experiences. Through this article, we will delve deeper into the advantages of peer learning and the different ways it can help an organization.

The social tipping point: how just 25% of the population can change the whole world

The social tipping point: how just 25% of the population can change the whole world

As The 2B Collective, our aim is to reach a total of 2 billion people. 25% of the world's population. This number is not chosen randomly, we based it on the findings of sociologist Damon Centola. His research changed the overall opinion about the social tipping point. Because in the past decades, it was believed that at least 51% of a group had to change their opinions in order to cause universal change. Damon Centola proved this to be wrong: his research indicated that if 25% of a group pushed the change, the rest of the herd will eventually follow.

Why does gamified learning work? And how is it useful for learning about sustainability?

Why does gamified learning work? And how is it useful for learning about sustainability?

By Fatou Sow

“The 2B Collective platform is gamified”. But what does that mean?

This article will dive into what you need to know about the what and the how of gamified learning.

According to recent studies, there is some evidence that people are becoming less hopeful about a sustainable future. For example, a 2020 survey by the Pew Research Center found that a majority of adults in the United States are pessimistic about the future of the planet and believe that future generations will face significant environmental challenges.

Creating stronger communities

Creating stronger communities

By Quint Hendriks, 19-01-2023

If you can’t reach your community, you can’t engage them. But when using the right set of techniques, there´s a lot you can get done. Better yet, the community will do it for you. An effective community wants to participate on a voluntary basis. Finding common ground is what builds a strong community.  Because, why wouldn’t a strong community want to help each other out?

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