The behavioural change: to measure is to know for certain!

The behavioural change: to measure is to know for certain!

Bringing you behaviour change insights
In the past, we have already collected data measurements, such as the CO2 emission savings from past games; however, we looked beyond that, as companies are looking for lasting change. Since we are always looking for ways to improve, we considered this, when implementing Typeform into our tool. You may be wondering, what does all this mean?

Behavioural change mostly has to do with Thinking, Daring and Doing. Do you think sustainability is important? Do you think you could play a big part in it? Do you dare speak up about it? Do you dare take the initiative? Do you have everything you need to do it? Do you do things differently from before? These are some examples of questions you could encounter in the effect measurement. Before the players start playing the game, they will get asked questions related to certain topics. After playing the game, this will happen again, to measure the progress. As the survey is embedded into the game, the players are guaranteed to fill it out. This makes the effect measurement a part of the learning experience, instead of an assignment on the side. Quite handy!

Types of effect measurement
Of course, there are different ways to measure (behavioural) change. One of those ways is observation, for example, the well-known coffee machine conversations! However, due to working from home (nowadays more than ever), it is difficult to get a good and trustworthy dataset from these. A few better measurable examples are: separating waste, energy consumption, and how many prints are made before and after playing the game. The downside would be that this takes a significant amount of time until you have a good dataset. You would have to start measuring before the game and keep doing so for 6 months or even a few years after the program finished.

The Role of Typeform
Let’s start by explaining what Typeform is: an online form builder that makes data collection insightful, user-friendly and outlined. In the integration we have made with Typeform, each game could have its own unique survey, depending on the wishes of each partner. Now, in addition to coffee machine conversations, we engaged in conversations with an expert consultancy to create effect measurement questions before and after the game (based on their model). Just choose the topics you would like to get insights into, look through the questions asked before and formulate the questions to your needs! Easy as can be!

Does this spark your interest? Well, you can experience these effect measurement methods within our pilots! Playing our games is already a step towards behavioural change, however; measuring the data results in continuous improvement and makes evaluation of effectiveness more efficient. Just choose the topics you would like to get insights in, look through the questions asked before and formulate the questions to your needs! Easy as can be!

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