Meet Publyon's EU Sustainable Opportunities Program

Meet Publyon's EU Sustainable Opportunities Program

In the fast-moving business world, staying updated on changing policies and rules can be challenging. That's where Publyon, our very first incredible content partner, comes into play. Over the past year, Publyon has been developing a unique gamified learning program that promises to revolutionize the way businesses approach sustainability within the European landscape.

A Fresh Take on Sustainability Education

Say hello to the "EU Sustainable Opportunities" program. A game-changer that combines learning, engagement, and fun to empower businesses with insights and tips needed to navigate the complex world of EU rules and sustainable practices. And guess what? This program is now up and running on The 2B Collective platform for all licensed partners to roll out to their clients. 

Getting to Grips with EU Influence and Green Potential

Let's bust a myth: EU regulations aren't just bureaucratic hoops to jump through. The "EU Sustainable Opportunities" program uncovers the opportunities the EU’s Green Deal has to offer. The program guides businesses on how to actively engage with the EU, turning policies into partnerships that benefit your company and the planet. Did you know, for instance, that the EU is developing policies on when companies need to report on their sustainability practices, what constitutes sustainable investments and how packaging must be recycled?

Navigating the Language of Change

But, just like any ambitious endeavor, there were challenges along the way. While Publyon is an expert in navigating the complexities of the EU legislation,  they recognized that outsiders might find it a bit perplexing. This became evident during the development of this very program. Publyon took it to heart to develop a program that strikes the balance  between comprehension and engagement. They put in the hard work to tailor the content to the audience, ensuring that participants not only understood the material but also enjoyed tackling the challenges.

A Dive into the Five Modules

The program is built around five modules, each covering a vital facet of sustainable business practices within the EU:

  1. EU Public Affairs Opportunities: An intro to EU operations and opportunities – EU for beginners, if you will.
  2. EU Green Deal: Getting into the essence of the European Green Deal and the push for climate neutrality.
  3. Energy Transition & Crisis: Bridging the gap between policy and practice in the energy transition journey.
  4. Sustainable Business Strategy: A guide to aligning business strategy with sustainability goals and looking further than just environmental goals, taking human rights into account.
  5. Circular Economy: Exploring the ins and outs of a circular economy and how it's shaping the business world with examples about the reduction of single-use plastic and its challenges.

These modules are like puzzle pieces that come together to show how business practices and personal actions can join forces for a more sustainable future. At the end of the program, players should have gained knowledge about the impact of EU policies on their business operations and be able to inform colleagues about the relevance of the EU.

Applicability to Real Life: Beyond the Workplace

While quizzes and actions are primarily designed for the business context, they seamlessly resonate with personal situations. This broad applicability ensures that individuals from various walks of life can benefit from the program's insights. Take, for instance, the circular economy challenge, which delves into concepts like packaging labels – these extend to personal practices too. Thus, the program caters not only to manufacturing companies but also to individuals striving for a sustainable lifestyle.

Who's It For and How It Works

This program is like a superhero costume that fits everyone. While it's focused on Public Affairs managers aiming to steer their companies toward sustainability, it's a good learning opportunity for anyone who wants to embrace sustainability in a practical way. Big companies, startups, NGOs, and even businesses outside of Europe can all benefit from this program's wisdom.

A Marvelous Team-Up

The partnership between Publyon and The 2B Collective showcases how experts can join hands to create something amazing. The program's integration into the platform means licensed partners can effortlessly provide value-packed learning to their clients without having to create this content by themselves. This partnership is a shining example of how other businesses can hop on the bandwagon and amplify their offerings by teaming up with The 2B Collective.

More Than Just Business: Making an Impact

Publyon isn't your run-of-the-mill business. They're on a mission that goes beyond the bottom line. They embody "beyond public affairs" – their ethos transcends mere lobbying. Their intrinsic motivation is to nudge people onto the path of a healthier future. This endeavor isn't just a fit; it's a calling that resonates with every member of their team. They're committed to making their contribution, focusing on where they can make the most impact – their public affairs work.

Expanding the Horizons of Impact

But Publyon's journey doesn't end here. They're not just content with their current offering; they're planning to expand their program's reach. Publyon envisions incorporating new areas of expertise, including biodiversity, and creating a sustainable living environment. Their commitment to innovation and impact knows no bounds, as they're dedicated to continuously enhancing their program and contributing to a greener world.

The First Step Toward a Better Tomorrow

Publyon's journey with The 2B Collective goes beyond just content partnership – they're the pioneers, the ones who paved the way for meaningful collaborations. Danielle de Keijzer, from Publyon, had this to say about their experience working with us: "It was very pleasant to work with the team at 2B. Shanna was our guide, and the collaboration was excellent. Whenever we had questions, we could quickly schedule a call. Partner meetings are also something we enjoy. They provide inspiration and ways to collaborate with other companies. It's great to stay in the loop about what's happening in the world and share positive stories together." 

What Lies Ahead

With the program's content all polished up and ready for action, Publyon is gearing up for the exciting next phase. First, they'll run some tests, then throw a sustainability-themed event to officially launch it on social media. It's not just about a learning program – it's about taking a step towards a brighter, greener, and more informed future.

In a nutshell, Publyon's "EU Sustainable Opportunities" program is a melting pot of knowledge, technology, and innovation aimed at nurturing sustainable growth. As the program spreads its wings and reaches businesses and learners, it's set to arm them with the tools to drive change, shape policies, and create a planet-friendly tomorrow.

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